Recipes – Cuando me da la gana

Ingredients:  2 pounds of yellow potato 2 tbsp Of olive oil 2 tsp of Salsa de Ají Amarillo “Cuando me da la Gana” 15 medium cooked shrimp 12 oz sealed tuna Salt and pepper to taste Preparation: Cook the potatoes in the skin, peel and mash with a fork. Pass the puree...

Ingredients: 4 chicken fillets 2 cloves of garlic 1 tbsp of oil Salt and pepper 50 gr. diced sweet pepper 4 tbsp of Mermelada de Kinoto ¨Cuando me da la Gana” 2 tbsp of butter ¾ cup orange juice Preparation:  - Marinate the fillets in oil with garlic, salt and pepper. Seal over high heat...

Ingredients:  ½ cup of butter ½ cup sugar 3 eggs ¼ cup milk 1 cup of flour 1 tsp of baking powder Mermelada de Uchuva «Cuando me da la Gana» Preparation: Preheat oven to 350ºF. Grease and flour the molds. Grow the egg whites at high speed until soft peaks form and reserve....

Ingredients: 1 lettuce 2 oz. Of olive oil 1 oz. white wine vinegar 2 tbsp of Mermelada de Uchuva «Cuando me da la Gana» Rolled almonds Salt and pepper to taste Preparation:  Toast the almonds in the oven. For the vinaigrette mix the oil, vinegar, jam, salt and pepper very well. Stir with the lettuce. ...